The Honda Civic Diaries: My journey through the continental United States

I have been living in the United States for more than 12 years now and traveling across this great country has been a dream for me for a long time. It got materialized when I decided to move from San Diego, California to Rockville, Maryland in the end of 2021.

2020 and 2021 were tumultuous year for the entire world to say the least. I moved to San Diego, California in the middle of 2019 with a lot of hopes and given that it was my favorite city in the country I was really excited about the move. Around nine months after the move Covid happened, I switched jobs, remote work became ubiquitous and all of the above provided fewer reasons to live in San Diego. Although it is a great city, most of my family lived in the east coast and sky-high prices in California made life more and more unbearable everyday. Hence I decided to move. When I made the decision to move back I thought ‘Hey, why not make a road trip out of it?‘, I have a car now so that’s what I did.

I planned this trip across multiple states over several days. I was driving by myself for three days and then my brother joined me in Denver, Colorado. I will write more on my trip in the upcoming posts.

I decided to call this series of posts as Honda Civic Diaries based on Motorcycle diaries by Che which was one of my all time favorite books. That book motivated me to make my first trip to South America. Since I was driving my Honda Civic throughout the whole trip I have titled this series as Honda Civic diaries.

So here it goes, my trip from San Diego, California to Rockville, Maryland through Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia!

Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri

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